Wedding Hair Vine Tutorial – Step by Step Instructions

Don't you love to go to Pinterest or Etsy and find these gorgeous bridal hair pieces? And yet you see the price: 200$.. Well, then why not make your very own beautiful wedding hair vine? Yes, it requires time and some skills, but the result is so worth it! And, of course, if you learn this technique, you will be able to DIY many other customized hair pieces, such as wreaths and crowns! Sounds good? Then just follow these step-by-step instructions with pictures, and you'll have the prettiest hair vine ever ๐Ÿ™‚

6 Cute Christmas Inspired Hair Pins

It is that beautiful time of the year when we allow ourselves to look a little cuter than usual. Some just put on colorful Christmas sweater, others go a step further and wear reindeer horns, and people like me add a little tiny touch to my hair. How do I do it? With a help of these cute Christmas inspired hair pins!

Autumn inspired handmade hair comb in hair bohemian touch

5 Autumn Inspired Hair Pieces – Autumn Inspired Jewelry

It is that time of the year, when we see so many colors around us. Yes, autumn is here and it has inspired me to create this beautiful hair jewelry collection. There are 5 hair pieces in total and they are proudly representing this wonderful season of the year. Of course, the main colors are orange, green, red, gold, so this collection is all about keeping you warm as long as possible.

Beautiful green and gold bohemian hair accessory in the hair of the girl under the sunlight

Indian Summer Hair Vine – Bohemian Hair Accessory

As we are enjoying the last warm and sunny days of Indian Summer, I decided to show you this bohemian hair accessory. Originally, it was supposed to be called September hair vine, but I feel like Indian Summer fits it even better. But you can decide for yourself of course ๐Ÿ™‚