DIY Cute Pompom Earrings

Pompom things are on trend right now, so it's a perfect chance to jump on a pompom train, and make yourself a pair of cute casual earrings! If jewelry making is your hobby than this tutorial will be quite easy for you! If you are a beginner, these earrings will be a great chance to train your jewelry making skills :).

Wedding Hair Vine Tutorial – Step by Step Instructions

Don't you love to go to Pinterest or Etsy and find these gorgeous bridal hair pieces? And yet you see the price: 200$.. Well, then why not make your very own beautiful wedding hair vine? Yes, it requires time and some skills, but the result is so worth it! And, of course, if you learn this technique, you will be able to DIY many other customized hair pieces, such as wreaths and crowns! Sounds good? Then just follow these step-by-step instructions with pictures, and you'll have the prettiest hair vine ever 🙂